Our appraisals and exam results

Our team of tutors could help you in any subject:

From Quantum Physics to Small Craft Operator. We have tutors for all subjects:


Master calculus concepts and improve your understanding of statistics with help from our online math tutors.


Walk step-by-step through bio , chem and physics questions with our online tutors to ace your science class this year.


Hand in your paper after it has been proofread and perfected. Find help with vocab and literature, too.

Social Studies

Brush up on details the night before an exam or review papers to ensure your historical references are accurate.

  • U.S. History
  • World History
  • Intro to Psychology
  • Elementary Social Studies
    (4th-6th Grades)
  • Middle Grades Social Studies
    (7th – 8th Grades)
  • High School Social Studies
    (9th-12th Grades)

AP® Support

AP courses are tough. Get help from expert tutors throughout the year all the way up to exam day.

International Baccalaureate®

You won’t get your IB Diploma or Certificate by studying less! Work with our team of experts all year to be ready for your IB exams.

  • History
  • Language A: Language and Literature
  • Language A: Literature HL
  • Language A: Literature SL
  • Mathematics HL: Calculus
  • Mathematics HL: Discrete Math
  • Mathematics HL: Pre-Calculus
  • Mathematics HL: Statistics
  • Mathematics SL: Calculus
  • Mathematics SL: Pre-Calculus
  • Mathematics SL: Statistics
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science: C++
  • Computer Science: Java
  • Physics


Excel in class and improve your grades with help from expert business tutors.

Mr. Simon

Math Tutor

Mr. Harris

Science Tutor

Mrs. Anna

Lead Science Tutor

Ms. Aarna


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